Monday, May 13, 2019

My Education Journey Project- Career Research Project

Career Research 

Google Slides Presentation & Research Information Sheet (Outline): Using the information you have compiled, from the research done in the computer lab and library, you will complete the research outline. The research information outline and Google Slides will focus on the following important aspects:

Research Information Sheet (Outline).  (DUE 5/17) 
******Must include work cited list of sources used to complete the outline**When you have completed the Research Information Sheet Outline w/ Work Cited, it will then serve as your source of information to build your Google Slides. 
  • I. Educational requirements          
    • Does this career require a college/university or technical degree?
    • How many years of school?
    • What are good colleges/universities to attend for this career?
  • II. Required Skills
    • What skills does the career require?
    • Do you have to have these skills in order to have this career?
  • III. Salary
    • What is the annual salary or hourly rate?
    • Does it stay the same or does it increase annually?
    • What is the least you could make? Most?
    • Does education make a difference in salary?
  • IV. Job Duties & Type of Work
    • What is the job description?
    • What hours/days are required to work?
    • Is this a career that can be found in any city?
    • Is this work done inside or outdoors?
  • V. Job Benefits & Job Drawbacks
    • What are the benefits of this career?
    • What are some things that may not be so great about the career?

Rubric for Career Research using Google Slides

Ideas & Content( 30 points) :
 The Google Slides Presentation includes,
  •  a Thesis Statement
  • Slides using information obtained through research using the outline (I, II, III, IV, V). Presentation must include complete sentences.

Organization of Google Slides(15 points):
•        Using information obtained through research using the outline (I, II, III, IV, V). Presentation must be presented in order of the research outline.

Correct, Accurate Copy (10 points):
  • Spelling, grammar, & punctuation
  • Typed, ? font, Times New Roman. Audience must be able see the content in presentation mode. 
  • Must use sentences and few bullet points. NO COPY PASTING



Works Cited (15 points) Google Slides and Research Information 

Google Slides must include WORKS CITED Slide 
*NO PLAGIARISM, including Copy and Pasting OR AUTOMATIC ZERO.

 Oral Presentation (30 points) *see rubric- (I will post later)

You will be presenting your Google Slides Presentation during the last week of school.  During your presentation, you must speak clearly and loudly, have good posture, appear to know the career well and be able to answer questions on the topic. You may use note cards as guides, but DO NOT READ FROM THEM!!! See the oral presentation rubric for complete details.


TOTAL FOR PROJECT (200 points)

Research Information Sheet Including Work Cited Page -100 points (5/17)

Google Slides Presentation Including Work Cited Slide- 100 points (5/24)

EXTRA CREDIT: Poster (50 POINTS) (5/24)

Rubric for Career Research Project Poster  EXTRA CREDIT (5/24)
*Students CAN NOT complete Extra Credit, in place of other parts of the project.

Appearance & Creativity (20 points):
  • neatness
  • use of color
  • use of whole board
  • pictures
  • charts
  • data or objects

Content (30 points):
  • Educational requirements         
  • Required Skills
  • Salary
  • Job Duties & Type of Work
  • Job Benefits & Job Drawbacks

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